Saturday Evening Event: August 22, 2015
The Cove, Normandy Park, Washington

Conversation, music, the company of long-time friends and delicious dinner offerings.

  • Where: Normandy Park Cove
    1500 SW Shorebrook Dr, Normandy Park, WA 98166
  • When: August 22, 2015, 5:00 – 10:00 PM
  • Cost: The cost is now $60 per person for dinner attendance.
    $70 at the door. CASH ONLY
  • No host bar will be available providing beer and wine.


Whether you decide to attend both events, Friday and Saturday, or just one of the two, please register so we can get an accurate count for both nights. Thanks!

Who could’ve imagined that four decades would slip by so quickly? When we left that Highline Community College auditorium after our HHS graduation ceremony, retirement seemed a distant haze. Now, we are all approaching it rapidly…

Enough of that!

Let’s talk about a big party at The Cove. (Dredge up some fun old memories of party central here.) It’ll be a sunny day and beautiful afternoon for sure, giving way to a warm summer evening near the Sound.

Let’s all have dinner together, enjoy a drink or two, and spend the time reconnecting. There’s lots to talk about with all that’s gone on in our lives so far, plus what we plan for the future. Bring pictures.

How about some music in the background? Our generation has a lock on the best era of rock and roll ever. It’ll be played just right.


Photo Gallery from our 30-Year Reunion

To get you in the mood, here are some photos to remind you what a fun time it was for our 30-Year Reunion in 2005. Click on the first photo to enlarge it, then cruise through the album. How many classmates can you recognize?


We really must have a proper beach fire to truly capture this moment. Smoke must get in our eyes from an open fire at least one more time! Since this must happen, we need a Normandy Park resident or two or three to volunteer to set it up and monitor the proceedings. (Please get in touch: Under the stars, the conversation can turn to anything and usually does. Bring friends.

As it gets late, many of us will want to stay up even later and carry on into the wee hours of Sunday. That’s the plan! We’ll set up a few different places to gather and plan for taxis and designated drivers as best we can. Email some location ideas. There are plenty to choose from in the greater Burien/SeaTac area.

So help us find each other and get the word out to everyone. We’ll invite everyone from Class of 1975 and anyone else from that HHS period who wants to attend with us. How about some of our brothers and sisters? Neighbors? Older or younger friends? All are welcome. Shoot us an email to with contact info if you have it, and we’ll send an invitation.

Your reunion committee is working hard to provide a class event without the classy costs. We want to make the reunion possible for everyone. The ticket price covers the venue, catering and administration costs. This year we are going to a no-host bar so that everyone will be charged fairly. We are also trying to reduce the admin costs by doing more electronic notifications. We all hope you’ll attend.

See you there.