Registration 40-year

Of course you want to be there!

Whether you decide to attend both events, Friday and Saturday, or just one of the two, please register so we can get an accurate count for both nights. Thanks!

Friday Evening Event: August 21, 2015
ACME Bowling, Billiards & Events

  • Where: ACME Bowling, Billiards & Events
    100 Andover Park West, Tukwila, WA 98188
    (206) 340-ACME (2263)
  • When: August 21, 2015, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
  • Cost: No entry fee, but we still need you to register! No host food and bar.

Saturday Evening Event: August 22, 2015
Normandy Park Cove

  • Where: Normandy Park Cove, 1500 SW Shorebrook Dr, Normandy Park, WA 98166
  • When: August 22, 2015, 5:00 – 10:00 PM
  • Cost: $60 per person for dinner attendance with advance registration.
    Registration at the door is $70 per person. CASH ONLY.
    No host bar will be available providing beer and wine.

To Register:

Please fill out the registration form down below.
Then either send a check by snail mail, or pay with PayPal.

Pay by Check:

Please send checks, payable to HHS Class of 75 Reunion,
or gold doubloons to the reunion committee in care of:
HHS Class of 75 Reunion
c/o Hawthorne & Co. CPAs
15220 6th Ave SW
Burien WA 98166-2202

Pay with PayPal:

  • Go to
  • In the upper menu bar, click “Send
  • Send to email:
  • Fill in the amount: $60 per person.
  • Click “Continue
  • Then click, “Friends or Family
  • PayPal will take you to the login page.
  • In the next window you can select the payment source and can include an email message to be sent to us.
    • Cost is FREE if you are using paypal or bank account.
    • Cost is $0.45 if you use a credit or debit card.
  • Hit “Send“… and then we’ll see you at the reunion.


If you’d like to contribute “a little extra” more than your registration fee, your contribution would help defray costs and would also assist classmates that want to attend but just can’t afford it right now. Please simply add your contribution amount to your PayPal or check total and make a note in the message area of the form. Your classmates thank you for your generosity.

If times are tight and you still want to come, contact us at We’re able to help a limited number of classmates through our sponsorship program. Your request will be handled with privacy and discretion.

Registration Form:

[contactform email=”” subject=”HHS REGISTRATION: 40-Year Reunion” success=”YOU’RE REGISTERED! WE’LL SEE YOU THERE.”]


[textfield label=”First Name” required=”true”]
[textfield label=”Middle Initial” required=”true”]
[textfield label=”Last Name in High School” required=”true”]
[textfield label=”Current Last Name, if different”]
[textfield label=”How do you want your name on your name tag?”]
[textfield label=”Snail Mail Address”]
[textfield label=”City”]
[textfield label=”State”]

[textfield label=”Zip”]

[textfield label=”Email Address” required=”true”]

[textfield label=”Phone Number”]

[checkbox label=”I’m attending Friday Night at Acme Bowl – No entry fee  (No host food/drinks)”]
[checkbox label=”I’m bringing a guest to Acme Bowl.”]

[textfield label=”Guest’s Name”]
[checkbox label=”I’m attending Saturday Night at the Cove – $50 ea. through July 14th/$60 after.”]
[checkbox label=”I’m bringing a guest to the Cove.”]

[textfield label=”Guest’s Name”]

[checkbox label=”I’ll mail a check.”]

[checkbox label=”I’ll send money through PayPal.”]

[checkbox label=”I’d like to contribute to the Sponsorship Fund.”]

[textfield label=”Sponsorship Fund Contribution Amount”]

[textarea label=”Message to the Reunion Committee”]

[contactform akismet=”true”]
