Ahoy Pirates.

Various HS Pictures046v2

40 years ago, Saturday Night Live aired their first show, Jaws was making an impact at the theaters and over 400 students from Highline High School walked down the aisle at Highline Community College to receive their diploma from Ken Teller. We thought we were so smart then. If only we knew then what we know now, we would all be in big trouble!

Take a moment to dig out your old Pirate’s Logs from our high school years and leaf through the pages. You will probably see notes from friends wishing you good luck and promises to keep in touch. Reality has probably gotten in the way of good intentions and you haven’t seen them in years. Why not use the 40-Year Reunion as the chance you have been looking for to rekindle the old friendships. We’ve all changed and if the last reunion was any indication, we’ve turned into a rather diverse group of individuals. Come and see what we’ve all been doing for 40 years.

You’re gonna wanna be there!