In Memoriam: Lesley Ann (Reno) St. Laurent

23 June 1957 – 5 August 1999

Lesley died August 5, 1999 from a brain tumor. Her husband, Pat, passed away from cancer right before our 20th Class Reunion. Shortly after Pat passed away, and also right before our 20th Class Reunion, Lesley found out about her brain tumor. She had a great career at Boeing, a beautiful house overlooking Puget Sound, and had traveled to many places around the world.

“I met Lesley in 4th grade, we lived in the same community, (Hurstwood, aka Seahurst Beach). What I remember most about Leslie is how cute and nice she was. I remember going over to her house for dinner when we were still in grade school and her mother would cut up strawberries for dessert. She would always leave one whole strawberry, if you got that strawberry you got a dime! I always considered Lesley a friend, but through the years our lives took different turns. However, in my heart and memories Leslie has never been forgotten, when I think of her I still smile.”

Karen (Peterson) White

“She did more in her short life than most people who have lived to be twice her age.”

Mary (Dafoe) Brooke