In Memoriam: Susan “Sue” Turner

“Sue and I grew up together in Normandy Park. Sue got married right after graduating to a guy that swept her off her feet. She ended up in New Hampshire with a guy that sold her a bill of goods. One day she woke up and realized this was not the life she wanted. Packed her bags and came back to Seattle. She started college late and graduated as a pharmacist. She was a big help to my family when my Dad was battling cancer at Swedish Hospital.

Sue married a fellow pharmacist, had one child and was pregnant with her 2nd. The 2nd pregnancy was difficult. She wasn’t feeling well. She delivered her 2nd child and found out she had cancer. Three months later she died. Sue turned her life around and 2 wonderful children are her legacy. Sue was a wonderful person who always carried a smile and showed interest towards others. Sue will always hold a special place in my heart.”

Jim Mottler

“Sue was very bright. She was married with a couple of young children when she passed away. I went to a memorial service with my mom who played bridge with her parents. We went all through school together. Tragic.”

Dave Miller

“I went to my first concert with Sue in 8th grade. CCR (Creedence) – what a kick. Her parents first took us to dinner at the Olde Spaghetti Factory, then drove us to the Coliseum. They were also there to pick us up afterward. Always wondered what they did the whole time Sue and I were at the concert. They dropped us off and picked us up at the exact same spot. That never happens…huh?”

Betsy (Severyns) Stinson